One-to-One sessions & packages

In my pledge to support you, I aim to equip you with lifetime strategies, insights, tools, practices, and inspiration to enable you to turn around your current situation and assist you to achieve your goals, whatever they may be. You will experience that they will have a profound impact on every aspect of your life as a whole.

The One-to-One session and packages offer to provide you invaluable support to explore your aspirations, address your concerns, maintain momentum, and focus on your journey towards your goals. With its organized, structured, and effective approach, this service is amazing to achieve results in shorter period of time. Whether you need quick support, follow-up on previous sessions, or want to explore a specific topic in depth, then the ad-hoc individual sessions are designed to provide the support you require.

Please follow these simple steps to get started

Before consultation – I recommend the review of the Essential Package, which serve as a foundation and set the stage for a focused consultation session.

Step 1Please click here to send a message requesting One-to-One consultation. Once availability opens up, you will receive a pre-consultation questionnaire immediately, allowing me to gain deeper insights into your current situation, challenges and objectives, so we can get straight to the point about what matters most to you.

Step 2 – After receiving your completed questionnaire, if we’re a good fit, we will schedule an initial consultation, which comes at no cost to you. In this one to one and a half hour meeting we will cover the following:

Prices Including VAT

Pre-consultation questionnaireFREE
Initial consultation (60 – 90 mins)FREE
1,5 months package incl. 6 X 1-hour sessions
(or equivalent of 30-60-90 minute sessions used within 3 months)
1650 GBP
3 months package incl. 12 X 1-hour sessions
(or equivalent of 30-60-90 minute sessions used within 5 months)
3130 GBP
Ad-hoc session (1 hour / session)290 GBP
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