Relaxation Technique by Nora Rakvacs

Relaxation Technique

With this relaxation technique, you can detach yourself from the stress and rush of the day whenever you feel the need to. Constantly rushing from one task, place, or meeting to another leaves you without energy. This makes it difficult to spend (any) time on the things that truly matter to you, like your self, your goals and vision. You can make it happen by shifting your focus from the external environment and the distractions caused by your constant thought concepts to a relaxing inward state.  

Find a quiet and safe place where you can practice relaxation. Do not listen to this recording while driving, operating equipment or machinery, in the water or performing any other task that requires your attention.

If you notice any self-talk (distracting thoughts about tasks, past or future) during the technique, it is important not to suppress or judge it through thought concepts. Allow it to arise and do not follow it. This will allow you to detach from it, stop feeding it with your energy, and allow it to pass like a cloud through the sky. Take a few deep conscious breaths. Turn your attention to your breath as you inhale through your nose, and then exhale through your mouth. Repeat these a few times. You can then turn your attention back to the technique as presence. 

Initially, you may experience that you can stay in this relaxed state for short periods of time. Don’t worry, the more you practice, the longer you will be able to stay present in awareness. Be patient and compassionate with yourself.

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